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Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT course available online amidst rise in demand for the professionAll details

Coursera is now offering a course titled Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT and it has various applicants already. Prompt engineering is an emerging career and helps generate the best possible output from ChatGPT and other AI-powered chatbots.

Image generated by AI

In Short

  • Coursera is offering a course on prompt engineering.
  • The study material can be accessed free of cost.
  • Prompt engineering is gaining popularity as a career.

By Divyanshi SharmaMany tech experts have argued that the popularity of AI tools will also lead to creation of new job opportunities. And one of these emerging career options is Prompt Engineering. Last month, a job ad by a San Francisco-based AI startup named Anthropic made headlines for looking to hire a Prompt Engineer and a Librarian with a salary of up to USD 335,000 per year. When converted to INR, this figure is Rs 2.7 crore, approx.


The job listing on the company’s website read, “Given that the field of prompt-engineering is arguably less than 2 years old, this position is a bit hard to hire for! If you have existing projects that demonstrate prompt engineering on LLMs or image generation models, we’d love to see them. If you haven’t done much in the way of prompt engineering yet, you can best demonstrate your prompt engineering skills by spending some time experimenting with Claude or GPT3 and showing that you’ve managed to get complex behaviors from a series of well crafted prompts.”

However, San Francisco is not the only country hiring for AI Prompt Engineering roles. Head over to LinkedIn, or any other job-searching platform, and you will find multiple places looking for prompt engineers. Looking at the popularity of the role, people have started building courses on Prompt Engineering to help fellow humans master the craft.

Prompt Engineering course on Coursera

One such course is available on Coursera, with the title “Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT.” As per the website, over 4,000 people have already enrolled for the course. You can access the study material of the course absolutely free of cost by clicking on ‘Enroll Now’. However, for certification, you will have to pay a fee. This fee, in India, is around Rs 2,000.

The course offers video lectures dedicated at teaching people how to give detailed prompts to ChatGPT so that it generates the best possible response. How fast you complete the course depends on how much time you can dedicate to it per day. Then there are also granded assignments, and assessments available to test out what you have learnt.

What is prompt engineering?

In the simplest of terms, prompt engineering refers to the process of coming up with the correct prompt for an AI chatbot to get the best result possible. To elaborate, it refers to the practice of creating specific instructions for AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT that help it in providing the most accurate and useful responses for a given task. And this is easier said than done.

Prompt engineering requires understanding how an AI chatbot works, what it can and cannot do, and how to use its strengths to create effective prompts. It also needs the user to be creative, trying different approaches, and evaluating the results to find the best prompts.

ChatGPT’s response on how to master the craft


We asked ChatGPT about tips to be a good prompt engineer and here is what

  • Be clear and specificMake sure your prompt clearly communicates what you’re looking for. Use specific language and avoid vague or ambiguous wording.
  • Use active voiceUse active voice instead of passive voice to make your prompt more engaging and dynamic.
  • Provide context: Provide enough context for the prompt to help the writer understand the purpose of the writing assignment.
  • Be open-endedProvide an open-ended prompt that allows for multiple interpretations and approaches. This will encourage creativity and originality.
  • Offer a variety of prompts: Offer a variety of prompts to allow writers to choose the one that best fits their interests and writing style.
  • Use examplesUse examples to help clarify the prompt and show the writer what you’re looking for.
  • Avoid biasAvoid prompts that are biased or that make assumptions about the writer’s experiences or background.
  • Check for comprehensionBefore finalizing your prompt, have someone else read it to ensure that it is clear, concise, and easy to understand.

The AI chatbot further adds, “Remember, a good prompt should inspire and motivate the writer, while also providing clear direction and guidance. By following these tips, you can create prompts that will help your writers succeed.”