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Give way to emergency service vehicles, follow traffic rules and stay within the speed limit – #BeTheBetterGuy

Our efforts to make Indian roads safer for everyone continue with the #BeTheBetterGuy as we urge you to drive responsibly, give way to emergency service vehicles, follow lane discipline, stay within the prescribed speed limits even if there are no speed cams around and never drive on the wrong side of the road.

Hyundai Be The Better Guy road safety campaign
If you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror and hear the siren of an emergency service vehicle, move out of the lane safely and quickly.

By Auto TodayIndia is now the third largest car maker in the world and looks set to grow at a steady pace, showing no signs of slowing down. With the rise in the number of vehicles on the road, the conversation around road safety needs more traction, now more than ever. Through the #BeTheBetterGuy road safety campaign by Hyundai, we strive to make Indian roads safer-for-everyone.



If you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror and hear the siren of an emergency service vehicle, move out of the lane immediately to help clear the path to life. Fire tenders, ambulances, police vehicles, all have the right of way in case of emergencies which these vehicles warn you of with sirens and flashing lights. The basic rule of thumb is to pull to the left and slow down to let emergency service vehicles safely pass. Also, slow down and let those in front of you switch lanes to ensure the emergency service vehicle’s path is cleared as quickly as possible. If you’re on a two-lane road without a median and there’s an emergency service vehicle approaching from the opposite side, even then the right way is to pull to the leftmost part of the road. Your actions could be the difference between life and death.

Hyundai Be The Better Guy road safety campaign
Emergency service vehicles always have the right of way. If you see or hear them approaching, move out of the way quickly and safely.

On certain highways, the shoulder is designated as the emergency vehicle lane, so avoid blocking it. Also, do not tailgate, say an ambulance, in the hope of getting through traffic quicker. In most cases, these vehicles will anyway be going over prescribed speed limits. Let them pass, and carry on following the rules as you should. As per section 194E MV Act 1988 (amended 2019), if a vehicle fails to pull to the side of the road or block the way of an ambulance, or any other emergency service vehicle, the driver may be punished with imprisonment of up to six months or with a fine of Rs 10,000 or both. That’s the law, but the whole idea behind helping you #BeTheBetterGuy is to make you do the right thing as a responsible citizen and not because of the fear of the law.

Hyundai Be The Better Guy road safety campaign
Driving in the correct lane goes a long way in helping keep the flow of traffic smooth, thereby preventing congestion on the road.


Perhaps the most crucial aspect when it comes to regulating traffic and consequently reducing mishaps is lane discipline. Those white lines you see on the road aren’t there for aesthetic reasons. Stick to the correct lane to maintain a smooth flow of traffic which goes a long way in preventing jams. While driving in the city, if you have to turn right at the next intersection, stick to the rightmost lane. If you have to turn left, place your car in the leftmost lane. It’s fairly straightforward and logical.

Hyundai Be The Better Guy road safety campaign
City roads and highways, in certain cases, feature elaborate lane markings to help you pick the right lane.


It’s also crucial to ensure that you plan ahead and change your lanes well before you reach the intersection and do so in a safe and gradual manner while indicating properly. If you’re on the expressway, stick to the middle lane(s) and use the rightmost lane only when you have to execute an overtake. As mentioned earlier, plan ahead and pick the correct lane based on the next turn you have to make or the next exit you have to take. Do not cut across lanes carelessly.

Hyundai Be The Better Guy Road Safety Campaign
ADAS tech in cars like the Hyundai Tucson adds assistance features that help keep the car from straying out of the lane.


Cars like the Hyundai Tucson equipped with Hyundai SmartSense Level 2 ADAS help you #BeTheBetterGuy with features like Lane Keeping Assist and Lane Departure Warning that read the markings on the road and not only keep the driver from straying out of the lane but also assist with steering inputs to ensure you stay between the white lines in case you inadvertently start moving out of the lane.

Hyundai Be The Better Guy road safety campaign
It’s crucial to plan ahead and pick the right lane well before reaching the intersection or exit.


We often find ourselves in a situation where we’re tempted by the prospect of driving on the wrong side of the road to cut down a kilometre or two from our commute or save a few minutes by avoiding traffic on the correct side of the road. Some of us are able to resist that temptation, but some end up acting on it. Well, you shouldn’t. There’s never an acceptable reason for it. Excuses are plenty, but none of them are valid enough, none of them give you the right to go the wrong way.

Hyundai Be The Better Guy road safety campaign
There’s never an acceptable reason for wrong-side driving. Excuses are aplenty, but none of them give you the right to go the wrong way.


Not only does doing that disrupt the flow of traffic, but also endangers your life and of fellow road users. Ideally, even the thought of driving on the wrong side of the road shouldn’t cross your mind. In case you have done that in the past then we urge you to not do so ever again. Be patient, drive that extra kilometre, spend a few more minutes in traffic, and make use of a legitimate U-turn.

Hyundai Be The Better Guy road safety campaign
Lane driving and adhering to speed limits are simple steps than can help you #BeTheBetterGuy on the road.

Same logic applies to driving on the highway as well. In case you find yourself driving past the exit you were supposed to take, miss it and carry on in the right direction instead of cutting across the lanes or stopping and trying to reverse. Yes, it adds kilometres and minutes to the journey, but that’s the safe way and the right way. Using the car’s in-built navigation or phone mirroring apps like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto can go a long way in helping you plan ahead and ensuring you don’t miss that turn or the exit, especially if you find yourself driving through unfamiliar locales. If your car isn’t equipped with these features, invest in a phone mount and use your phone’s Google Maps to guide you.

Hyundai Be The Better Guy road safety campaign
Using Google Maps via Android Auto/Apple CarPlay or the car’s onboard navigation helps plan ahead, helping reduce the probability of missing a turn or exit


The highest contribution to the total number of road accidents, be it city roads or highways, is courtesy of over-speeding. This fact is reason enough to keep your vehicle’s speed in check and adhere to prescribed speed limits. Empty roads early in the morning or late at night or roads with sparse traffic, rules are rules and they have to be followed. With this road safety campaign, our endeavour is to appeal to your better nature, and make you realise that more than the law and hefty fines, it is about being a responsible citizen and doing the right thing. These speed limits have been prescribed, taking several factors like the traffic density, how populous the area is, braking distances, turns and exits in mind. Even if there aren’t any speed cameras or interceptor patrol vehicles, compliance with prescribed speed limits is our duty.

Hyundai Be The Better Guy follow speed limit
Keep your speed in check even if there are no speed cameras around.

Don’t slow it down to dangerous levels, though. Highways have higher speed limits and, of course, you have to keep it at or under that limit, but dropping the speed too low even in the middle lanes can prove dangerous. If there’s a speed limit of 100kmph and you’re doing 40 to 50kmph in the middle lane, vehicles approaching at higher speeds can be caught off-guard. If there’s something else besides driving that needs your attention, say, looking for directions or taking a phone call perhaps, pull up safely to the side of the road, turn your hazards on and address it before rejoining the road.

Hyundai Be The Better Guy road safety campaign
Driving requires focus and one needs to stay alert and keep distractions at bay and follow the simple principle of eyes on the road, hands on the wheel.

Stick to your lane, go the extra mile if needed, keep your speed in check and always, always put the seat belt on. Let’s come together and pledge to make our roads safer-for-everyone by promising to #BeTheBetterGuy.