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Elon Musk says sorry after publicly humiliating Twitter employee over his employment status 

It all started with Haraldur Thorleifsson, a Twitter employee, asking Musk about his employment status after losing access to his systems.

In Short

  • Twitter chief Elon Musk apologized to a Twitter employee for publicly poking fun at him over his employment status.
  • Thorleifsson detailed in a series of tweets that he approached the HR department of the company but received no concrete answer.
  • Musk, instead of clearing his doubts, mocked him on the social media platform by asking him about what work he did. 

By Ankita ChakravartiTwitter chief Elon Musk apologized to a Twitter employee for publicly poking fun at him over his employment status. It all started with Haraldur Thorleifsson, a Twitter employee, asking Musk about his employment status after losing access to his systems. Thorleifsson detailed in a series of tweets that he approached the HR department of the company but received no concrete answer. Confused and frustrated, he then asked Musk to clarify whether he had been fired or was still a part of the company. Musk, instead of clearing his doubts, mocked him on the social media platform by asking him about what work he did.


Musk apologized to Haraldur Thorleifsson for humiliating him on Twitter. He admitted having a misunderstanding about his job profile. He revealed that he did a video call with Halli to figure out what is real vs what he was told about him. “I would like to apologize to Halli for my misunderstanding of his situation. It was based on things I was told that were untrue or, in some cases, true, but not meaningful,” he said. Musk, in a series of tweets, not only questioned his work but also made fun of his disability.

Haraldur Thorleifsson, who worked as a director at Twitter, was locked out of his systems for over a week. He did not receive any official email from the company stating that his services have been terminated, which confused him even more. He then approached the HR team, who were of no help to him. As a final resort, Thorleifsson tagged Musk in one of his tweets and asked him to issue some clarity over his employment status. However, Musk got all nasty and made remarks like “people who were not working in the first place cannot be fired”. This wasn’t all, Musk even made of his health condition. He alleged that the only reason Haraldur had approached him on Twitter was to get a big payout.

Musk was slammed by Twitter users for being nasty towards an employee, who was only trying to gain some clarity about his employment status .Criticizing Musk, a Twitter user wrote, “No, @elonmusk this is not good response from a leader. Also it doesn’t seem right to not provide clarity to employees about their termination. Those of us who love you should also be able to speak to you truthfully.”
Another user said, “Elon, if he hasn’t done anything glaringly wrong or commit serious fraud, get overly slack at work, maybe give him a chance to do another project?”